
Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Whistlepig for the Grandmonkey!

I made my granddaughter a Whistlepig.
It's made of pine from a toy box I made my son when he was a kid. The peghead, tailpiece and fretboard are black locust. Unison tuning.

And I honored her twin sister Lynzie Ann who died at birth:

Honaker 8-20-19

This Honaker is off my newly tweaked Honaker pattern. I put more recurve in the shoulder area just forward of the lower bout like the original made by James Honaker.
This one has an American Chestnut soundboard birdseye maple peghead, tailpiece and fretboard. And curly maple sides and back.
27 inch vsl.

Honaker 8-25-19

I made my Girlfriend a Honaker. This one is 3 string unison tuned with aluminum tailpiece and fine tuners and a 25 inch vsl. Sassafras soundboard and cherry for the rest.

And her dad was a fan of trains so I painted a train engine on it for her:

The Razorback

The Razorback is an experiment of sorts. It's a 30 inch vsl 2 string unison tuned Dulcimore.
I may offer a 3 string version in the future. But it sounds amazing for just a two stringer!