
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sow Hogfiddle 7-24-19

Got this beautiful Sow finished up made of Sassafras and Cherry:

Saturday, July 13, 2019


This is one of my Whistlepig Hogfiddle Dulcimores, (dulcimers)
19.5 inch vsl. Just intonation. 
Can be played Ionian mode tuned cgg or Dorian mode tuned dag. 
Buckeye soundboard and back. 
Holly sides, peghead and tailpiece. 
Birdseye maple fretboard. 
Just finished up this new Whistlepig. It has a couple newly added options for my lineup.
Fiddle sides are a new option and costs $25 extra.
Just Intonation is the other new option on this one. Just intonation is similar to how the old timers set the frets by ear. I do it similar, but I use a just intonation tuner to set the frets. I will also be offering mean tone intonation as well. The extra cost for a different intonation other than equal temperament is $25. (The reason it costs more is it takes a bit more time and involvement to set the frets like that rather than using a print-off like I can with equal temperament.)

Another Boss Torc

A Boss Torc I just finished up. Butternut and Black Walnut: